Product line
Savon de poche
Fleur de savon
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luxury petals

Today, in our society, in this new millennium, where physical form, psychological health and look are fixed reference marks, the bath room became an oasis of wellness. Our soaps contribute to embellish and to make more practical these domestic spaces giving a touch of elegance and of colour. For this reason, Sanipro has imagined the "Luxury soap line" (Fleur et Pétal de Savon) to satisfied needs of who, in addition to the practicality, want an original package, maybe to make a present when the opportunity offers. The "Fleur de Savon" are bud flowers shaped that you can leave on show in their same packages or to put down in the accessories of the bath room for being ready to use them. There are the Petals too that are be part of the same "Luxury soap line." Even the Petals are contained in beautiful packages and they are proposed in various colours.
luxury soap