We believe that one of the most important assets of our Company are our Clients.
For this reason our aim is focused on satisfying their needs through the supply of QUALITY equipment and services, superior to any of our competitors, through methods and measures of prevention rather than through corrective actions.
In this way we create a competitive advantage that assures, on a long term basis, prosperity to SANI-GROUP, to its Personnel, to its Clients, Suppliers and to its own Shareholders.
We believe that the continuous improvement of the QUALITY of our products and services is obtained through the direct involvement and effort of all Persons at all levels.
We are therefore conscious that all Persons represent a critical factor of success in order to reach the QUALITY objectives.
For this reason we spend a continuous effort to select and keep, through adequate training programs, People with the highest professional skills.
It is however also necessary, while perfectioning the internal activities, help our Suppliers create a QUALITY process that progressively increases and is in line with our strategy.
SANI-GROUP is a Quality Certified Firm according to Quality Management System UNI EN ISO 9001:2008
The certification gives us the credit of having the organization and company procedures necessary to allow the supply of higher quality products and services that contribute to our Customers success worldwide. |